Today our president gave another of his speeches which he apparently hopes will raise the American public awareness of his recognition of the impact on us of high gasoline prices. The problem with his speech and apparent misunderstanding of the cause of this national problem is that he believes "Americans are addicted to oil."
What he should have said is that too many members of Congress are addicted to the largesse of the Environmental "wackos" who have managed to get enough members of both houses of Congress to derail any legislation which would allow United States to drill oil in ANWAR and offshore. We presently import sixty percent of the oil consumed to run our world class economy from countries who really don't like us. In fact some countries like Iran and Venezuela hate us!
No additional oil refineries or even modernization of existing plants have been allowed in over 20 years due to the influence of environmentalists and people like ex-Vice President Gore.
With the increased demand from economical developing countries like China and India, who each have over a billion in population. The demand has vastly increased world wide resulting in inflation of the barrel cost for crude oil. China has grown 9% per annum and India 7% In order for OPEC countries to keep up with this increased demand it is predicted by reliable experts that they will have to increase crude oil production by one million barrel's a day!
Another point president Bush failed to mention, is the impact: state, local and federal taxes have on the price of gas at the pump. This average of 46 cents per gallon we pay does not all get used for highway improvement,but like all other taxes goes into that large barrel which congressmen and women can dip into to fund their "pork" projects that keep them in office.
I am happy President Bush is our president and I shudder to think what would have happened if Mr. Kerry had won the election, but I am a little weary of our president failing to call out the real culprits in this oil problem. Not the usual suspects mention over and over by liberals wherever they speak or write, but those in Congress, primarily democrats who have failed to allow United States to become less dependent on Foreign oil. We need oil to keep our standard of living and prominence in the world of leading developed counties. Fancy speeches about alternative fuels and different modes of propulsion won't help,but hinder and mask the real need. More oil from American sources.