As I do every morning I was perusing the articles posted on the internet which had been written by political notables and pundits. This morning among the numerous stories about the immigration "amnesty", generals criticizing the way secretary Rumsfeld is waging the war, and should be replaced. I found two articles that deserve consideration. The first was President Bush going on the "stump" for more women in the academic fields of Mathematics and Science. This at first "blush" sounds like a good idea since most of those presently enrolled in American universities are men. But a further review of what is going on here reveals that our President is pushing for another "affirmative action" in mathematics and science for women. Such benefits of this type of program would be grants in aid earmarked only for women, quotas for Universities to fill with woman in these academic disciplines,and penalties incumbent upon non-compliance. What we don't need in this wonderful country is another program that decides who gets valuable training in the fields of scientific effort. We need to have gender and color-blind selection by admissions committees if we want the best scientists. Not the most politically correct.
The second article was written by former Mayor of New York City, Mr. Ed. Koch. In his article concerning how the Democrats, he is one himself, can win back control of the federal government. In this article were numerous things which the Democrats must offer in their platform, in lieu of "Bush Bashing", to win back Congress and eventually the White house. The one that hit me between the eyes was to "offer a comprehensive National health care plan that is based on "the resources available".
This political speak for two things. Rationing of care and increasing the taxes on those who pay taxes. Are the American people ready to hand over the decision for who gets care and who doesn't because of age, rate of survival based on past statistics,or failing to follow government dictated standards of eating and drinking. This doesn't even consider what the increase in tax liability would be if such a comprehensive plan were adopted.
In her "first year in office", Hillary got together a large group of "eggheaded" Liberals to draft a plan for "socialized Medicine".When the American public discovered what was going on behind closed doors we were outraged. Now she is on the "stump' only this time she is not running for "first lady", but for the whole enchilada. President of the United States of America. Don't think for a second that she has changed her core beliefs. Along with reditstribution of wealth through expansion of the unearned tax credit, her election will certainly lead us further down the road to socialism.
The average American works from January to May presently to pay his taxes, which currently consumes twenty percent (20%) of our Gross Domestic Product! Can we allow people like Hillary and her left wing followers in Congress to continue taxing us so they can live like the 21st century equivalent of Royalty?