President Bush vetoed the human embryo research bill for all the right reasons. First and foremost for the economic effect a guaranteed government, but tax payer funded, 25 million dollars during a time of war is wrong for reaserch that properly should be done by the private sector. Places of higher education like the way left of center University of Wisconsin would be a recipient of a large part of the money. This University is presently maintaining convicted felons on the staff, and doesn't deserve the money for some leftist "pin-head" researcher who should be working in the private sector not in a guarenteed tenured position. Let them get the money from the private sector.
Another reason is that private funded research has already developed 60 genetically diverse stem cell lines. Government should stay out of this research and let the private sector take the risk and reap the rewards if they are successful. Only a socialist leaning person would support the logic of government control of this research. As of now the democrats and other leftist leaning republicans are complaining of the huge profits drug companies are reaping from the recently passed medicaire bill. How is it now, that they want to shell out 25 million dollars every year for research on human embryonic research that may take decades or longer. The people involved in human embryo stem cell resarch still don't know what genetic changes trigger a stem cell to go from an undifferentiated cell to a differentiated cell. Until they learn this research is stalled.
The tax payers will be paying 250 million dollars this fiscal year for continued research on umbilical cord and adult human stem cell research. Don't let the usual suspects in the media and Congress drag out their victims of diseases that await the miracle cures from embyonic stem cell research. The ravages of disease will always face us, and we all must die of something. The magic elixer of perpetual life won't be found by throwing tax payers money into the laps of university professors, who probably believe in euthenasia and assisted suicide anyways.
We don't need to support the Culture of Death wackos who do little more than junk science killing living embryos and calling their wothless results progress.I call it pure satanic crudity.Cord blood works just as well,and private companies WITHOUT the taxpayers help will achieve more than the Grants awarded to the nutcases at our weirdo universities around the country.
We don't need to support the Culture of Death wackos who do little more than junk science killing living embryos and calling their wothless results progress.I call it pure satanic crudity.Cord blood works just as well,and private companies WITHOUT the taxpayers help will achieve more than the Grants awarded to the nutcases at our weirdo universities around the country.
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