The Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) and Tamil Tigers are both Marxist organizations trained in Lebanese PLO terrorist camps with large sums of money available to them to sponsor suicide bombing and other terrorist acts throughout the world. Their income, besides donations from American leftist groups, is obtained from sales of illicit arms, drug sales, extortion, robbery and smuggling. They have an estimated 86 million dollars annual income from these illegal activities.
Meanwhile, new House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi has announced that she is designating Congresman Silveste Reyes as the new Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. This man when asked about Al Qaeda said he believed it was composed of Shiites. It is predominantly Sunni Muslims!
The Committee which is charged with oversight of the U.S. 26 intelligence gathering activities, should be considering and studying the radical Islamic infiltration of our country. Instead Mr. Reyes announced his main thrust was to stabilize Iraq and "bring home our troops".
A 26 year veteran of the Border Patrol, influenced the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to vote against the war in Iraq, House Bill 4437. This was a tough bill submitted by Congressman Sensenbrennr(R.WIS) that would make it impossible for illegals to become legal U.S. citizens as well as more control over illegal immigration.
Reyes also voted against HRES 861 which was to support troops for Iraq, and rejected setting a time table for troop withdraw.
Wikipedia research shows that his Congressional District in Texas #16, is 77% Hispanic, Speaks only Spanish 70% and has an unemployment rate of 49.5%. Ms. Pelosi should have done better in her selection.

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