The News yesterday revealed that Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov stated to the press that Russia has delivered to Iran anti-aircraft missiles. He said further shipments of other modern arms is under consideration.
Last year the Russians reluctantly joined with the UN to pass sanctions that forbid sale of nuclear technology and material to Iran, but the Russians insist that these sanctions do not apply to the one billion dollars arms deal Russia has made with Iran.
The missiles delivered are the "TOR-M1" which can shoot down any plane that might be attempting to attack Irans' Nuclear facility.
During the Korean war the North Koreans and Chinese Communist troops killed tens of thousands of Americans boys using Russian made Rifles and jet aircraft.
The Vietnam war illustrated once again that Russia supplied weapons to the North Vietnamese regulars and the Viet Cong.
In Iraq our brave soldiers and Marines are facing Russian made weapons once again. Russia is no friend of this country, and we should all wake up and realize that the Russian are still an "Axis of Evil" to this free world we call the United States.
Russia is helping those who kill our "warrior defenders" at every opportunity for a tidy profit. They are no friend of ours. I don't advocate military action against them, but it is time we all realize they are not an ally as the leftist media would have you believe.
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