This unprovoked seizure of these 14 men and one woman in two rigid rubber boats was a long planned for attack.
On January 11th, 2007 five Iranian "diplomats were apprehended near Najaf, Iraq by U.S. Forces. These men have been identified as members of the Iranian secret organisation "QUDS".
This group of Revolutionary Guards are the elite training and supply source for the Mahdi Army, Hezbolla, Badar Organisation and Hamas. They also are responsible for their own terrorism. An example is the bombing of Kobar Towers in Saudi Arabia.
They are also responsible for supplying the Shia terrorists in Iraq with the armour piercing IED's used to blow up Humvees with military personnel aboard.
These terrorist leaders report directly to the Ayatollah Ali Khomeini, and were assisted in their development by the current President of Iran, Ahmadinjad, while he was serving in the Revolutionary Guard.
They are located throughout the world and are believed to have covert operations here in America.
Their headquarters in Iraq is located in Najaf, but their headquarters in Iran are in the abandoned American Embassy building in Tehran.
The word "QUDS" is Arabic for Jerusalem.
U.S. General John Abizaid, before he was relieved, claimed that the Quds in Iraq, were training and providing weapons to Shia death Squads.
These are the terrorists who killed four American soldiers they captured near Karbala when they ambushed the Americans driving black SUV's and wearing American army uniforms on 1/20/07. A clear violation of the Geneva Convention the leftists in this Country claim they are entitled to.
The Iranians were lying in wait for the opportunity to capture any troops that were a supporting force to the U.S. effort in Iraq, as a retaliation for the capture of the Quds.
They want them back before they are forced to give up valuable information about their activities here in The U.S.
But don't tell the Democrats that the continuing war in Iraq is helping save lives here at home. It will fall on dead ears and closed minds!

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