In the first place how can you pardon people who have been illegally abducted?
It also is interesting to note that the day these military personnel were released. The U.S. released an Iranian diplomat in Baghdad. This man was captured in February, 2007.
The U.S. announced that it is making plans to allow Iranian "diplomats" to visit the five Iranian Revolutionary Guards captured a few weeks ago near the Iraq town of Irbil.
Prior to the release of the British military personnel the British sent a message to the Iranian Foreign Minister that "it will not happen again". Meaning the British have realized that Iran has demonstrated that they can't be trifled with. They have the capacity to take action and that will undoubtedly make the British more careful that they don't "invade Iranian waters again.
This lack of action appears on the surface to be a diplomatic victory for Iran. What it really does is show how weak the British Empire has become. It also gives more courage and resolve to the Muslim Extremists to continue their terrorists activities of kidnapping and bombing all "infidels" until the whole world accepts "that there is no God but Allah".
The minute The released personnel landed in England the Prime Minister condemned the killing of four British soldiers who were victims of an IED. In his statement on the steps of Blair House he said: "Iran is guilty of backing, financing and arming Iraqi terrorists".
We have not seen the end of this type of terrorism and unless we eradicate the Islamist radicals they will be blowing up Main Street USA before long

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