The only professed Muslim in the United States Congress is reported to have given a speech recently to a group of atheists in
his speech he spoke the following words courtesy of The World Net Daily.com.
Congressman Ellison,D-Minn., told a group of Minnesota atheists earlier this week the actions of the Bush administration in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, al-Qaida attacks remind him of the Nazis' use of the burning of Berlin’s Reichstag's parliament building in 1933 to expand their power.
Ellison, at a noontime speech before Atheists for Human Rights, told the Minneapolis-based group, "You'll always find this Muslim standing up for your right to be atheists." I guess he hasn't checked with the Quran recently where it says covert the infidels or kill them!
"The congressman talked to the group of over 100 meeting in the Southdale Library in Edina about a number of topics – impeaching Vice President Cheney, Bush's commutation of Scooter Libby's sentence, the war in Iraq and the 2001 attacks by al-Qaida".
Speaking of the destruction of the World Trade Center and the damage to the Pentagon, Ellison said, "It's almost like the Reichstag fire, kind of reminds me of that. After the Reichstag was burned, they blamed the communists for it and it put the leader of that country [Hitler] in a position where he could basically have authority to do whatever he wanted." The implication is the 9/11 attack was staged by Bush and his Administration even though it was not said that way!
The day following the fire, Chancellor Adolph Hitler pushed for an end to many personal, political and property rights and used powers granted to him to crush political opposition and come to power.
"The fact is that I'm not saying it was a [U.S.] plan, or anything like that because, you know, that's how they put you in the nut-ball box – dismiss you," Ellison explained to the group.
Ellison, however, is no stranger to controversial positions.
As WND has reported, Ellison, a Muslim who used a Quran for his swearing-in ceremony, has come under criticism for associating with a Muslim group accused of fomenting violence against Jews and Christians. This group is The Muslim American Society that has alleged ties to the radical Islamist Muslim Brotherhood!
He also allowed his election supporters to shout, "Allahu Akbar!," the same phrase allegedly used by the 9/11 suicide pilots, and he has confirmed to reporters that "in terms of political agenda items, my faith informs these things." The meaning is God Is Good, but the fact they shouted it before their suicide bombing shows what I have said repeatedly. We are in a religious war!
"It was in 2000 that Ellison joined Bernadine Dohrn, one of the founders of the 1960s radical group the Weather Underground, and several other speakers at a fundraiser for then-recently arrested Kathleen Soliah, a.k.a. Sara Jane Olson of the Symbionese Liberation Army. Soliah and other members of the 1970s domestic-terrorist group were later convicted for placing bombs under police cars and murdering a woman during a bank robbery.
When asked for examples of such Nazi-like action in the wake of 9/11, Ellison cited the Iraq war, certain provisions of the Patriot Act and Bush's commutation of Scooter Libby's sentence".
I guess he forgot all the pardons Clinton granted on his lat day in office, but then they were all Democrat supporters or fund raisers were their sponsors.
This is a good example of why we should have an individual oath swearing allegiance to America and it's basic principles for each member of Congress. The current mass swearing in of all newly elected Congressmen followed by the individual "photo op" for the folks back home won't prevent people like Ellison from making a mockery of the oath of allegiance of his office, as he did in Minnesota last week.
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