The Father of our Country,as he is often referred, George Washington, was appointed Commander in Chief of the 1st Continental Congress Army. Even though he was not a very proficient tactician. He lost more battles than he won during the Revolutionary War. He was a leader who could hold his troops together and had the ability to recognize British mistakes and had the capacity to capitalize on them
The British helped Washingtons cause because they relied on naval power that resulted in many victories over Colonial port Cities. Their failure was in having no plan to win the "guerrilla" type war waged by the Colonists in the inland battles. They essentially had no clear plan to win the war!
Having general Von Steuben of Prussia join Washington to help with with discipline and training of the militiamen helped Washington, as did the entry of the Spanish and French Navy. The British surrendered at Yorktown in 1781 and the Treaty of Paris in 1783 recognized the U.S. independence.
We are in a similar position in our battle for victory over the irrational messianic ideology of the Muslim terrorist worldwide quest to "wipe" Israel and America off the face of the Earth.
Al Qaeda was essentially founded by Osama Bin Lauden, a Sunni Jihadist, who like the rest of the radical Muslims believe that our President and his allies are "The Great Satan" and must be defeated because we are sowing terror and aggression worldwide.
Of course any thinking American, unless he works for Arthur Sulzbergers New York Times, knows that Diplomacy has failed to stop the Terrorists from carrying out their bloody quest to eradicate all infidels who stand in their way of World domination.
Neville Chamberlain and Woodrow Wilson tried the same approach with the great evil in Germany back in 1938, and we all know what Hitler and his regime did!
The UN, European Union, The American State Department and many other leaders of the "free World" have tried to "talk" Iran's leadership into halting their development of nuclear weapons. Weapons we have had since 1945 and have never used despite the possibility that Korea and Vietnam could have ended quickly without the terrible loss of lives of our brave servicemen.
Despite all the rhetoric and the denials by the State Department and the New York Times. The Iranians are very close to having nuclear weapons, and when they do, the zealot haters will not be hesitant to use them on Israel and here in the United States.
Will we be like the British during the Revolutionary War? Are we going to continue to use repeated failed diplomacy, and "can't we all just get along" logic as written in the New York Times in articles advocating us to co-exist with an Iranian nuclear capability, right up until catastrophe hits us in the face?
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