While campaigning in New Hampshire this week Presidential front runner for the Democrats revealed what most Liberals fear the most.
Their defeat by the Republicans in 2008, because of some unforeseen attack on the U.S. by terrorists.
Hillary had this to say:“It’s a horrible prospect to ask yourself, ‘What if? What if?’ But if certain things happen between now and the election, particularly with respect to terrorism, that will automatically give the Republicans an advantage again…”
This comment was immediately attacked by some of her Democratic rivals for the White House. Why? Because they don’t want the voters of America to be reminded that when it comes to terrorism, the Republican candidates are much more willing to do whatever it takes to protect the United States.
Senator Clinton isn't the only American to worry, about the possibility of another terrorist attack here at home. Vice Admiral (Ret) John Scott Redd, the Head of the National Counter terrorism Center, was granting an interview to Newsweek magazine in which he categorically stated that “We have very strong indicators that Al Qaeda is planning to attack the West.” When pressed on where, he continued, “Well, they would like to come West, and they would like to come as far West as they can.” Obviously, “as far West as they can,” would be the United States."
For all we know Iran already has a operative nuclear weapon. One that is often called "a suitcase bomb".The Iranians march toward nuclear weapon capability has even worried the new President of France.President Nicolas Sarkozy observed that Iran’s nuclear ambitions present “catastrophic” alternatives: “an Iranian bomb or the bombing of Iran.” Both Messer’s Bush and Sarkozy are correct — though it may shock liberal Democrats to see the French standing side by side with the United States on an issue none of their candidates for president wants to talk about.(excerpt from col. Oliver North's article)
I have written about the safest place to be in the world at this time before. But I believe it needs to be addressed again at this important time in the future of this Great Country.
The safest place is right here in the USA, because the Islamist Terrorists know the Democrats and liberal "Rinos" in Congress are doing everything they can to assist the enemy in Iraq.Why would they "rock the boat" now?
The Democrats talk daily about withdrawing our troops, partitioning Iraq, and deny that there is any progress toward winning the battle for those in Iraq who want to live in a free Iraq.
The press, visual media and a great number of liberal blog sites bombard the American people every day with negative news about Iraq. The Left has already discounted as false and misleading the report that general Petaeus will give to Congress later this month.
Why, when things are going their way here in the political and media arena would they jeopardise the Democrats efforts to retake the White House?
The answer is they won't! We are safe until the Leftist fed American populace has made the mistake of handing over the White house to the "PC", secularist, anti-religion and weak on defense Party. The Democrats! Then when we are despised by the Iraqi whom we left to be massacred by the terrorists and taken over as a satellite of Iran. WE can expect all Hell to break loose!
1 comment:
Dude--you are something else. Anti-religion, secularist...What is wrong with making decisions based on facts and what is best for the people. I may be prolife- but I have no right to tell you that you have to be also or that you can not have an abortion. If we let religion permeate into everyday action then we end up just like any country in the Middle East.
I am a democrat and I am not anti-religion and yes, a secularist. You need to get a real definition of the word because you seem extremely misinformed, just like all the other rightwingers.
And dont think for 5 minutes that am some bumbling leftist. I feel that both parties are off the mark and it is time for and independent candidate. And not a crazy christian or an insane atheist.
Use your head and I think you will agree.
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