It doesn't require a rocket scientist to determine that the longer one holds a position of power, the more temptation he/she will be subject to by the "forces" of special interest.
Today we have a situation in the United States where a Republic that was formed by the founders of this Country has evolved into a government of special interests and power brokers.
The list is long, and affects both sides of the political spectrum. Democrats and Republicans come to Washington with promises still fresh from their election, but rapidly learn that to stay in this "wonderful" place of power, prestige and money they must "play ball".
Lobbyists with fists full of cash, and special interest groups court politicians from the day they arrive.The money starts to flow in from all special interest groups to aid the re-election that will be here before they learn the ropes. Herein lies the problem.
The framers of the Constitution envisioned a government run by the people through their elected representatives. They began as gentlemen farmers, slave owners some of them, but all part time politicians. No one was a full time politician, and that is what the framers of our Constitution intended.Until 1913 the Senators were chosen by each State Legislature. They also intended the Constitution to be a "rock solid" document. Not a "living Constitution", as it has become bastardized today, thanks to the Left leaning Supreme Court.
The Houses of Congress have become full time jobs for most of the Senators, and too many of the Members of the House of Representatives. An example of the longevity of the Senators is indicated by the fact that of the 100 Senators, 59 are 60 years old or older. Six Senators are over 80, led by Senator Byrd of W.Va. at 89. Nineteen are 70 or older. Even the College of Cardinals in Rome has an age maximum for voting in election of the Pope. It is 80.
It isn't "PC" to mention this, but there is no way people of such advanced age can relate to the 21-50 age group in America. The generation gap is just to great!Term limits would allow for "new blood" to enter the Federal Government.
But the worst threat to a peoples representative government, is the longer a person is in office the more comfortable he/she becomes with the "princely" life in Washington. They become a slave to their own comfort and power, and as such often are seduced by special interest money.
The argument has been made many times for term limits for all elected officials. The counter argument is that the folks back home can't afford to loose the power and position of the "senior" elected representative.
This stalemate has resulted in a public satisfaction rating of Congress of about 10% favorable and 90% unfavorable. This is the worst rating in the history of This Great Nation!
Even the President is limited to two 4 year terms in office. Roosevelt ,with his "Rasputin" like control over Congress during the WWII years, managed to serve part of a third term. There is no reason for the positions of Congress person or Senator to be a life time position.
There are those who will argue that my argument is specious, because they have to stand for reelection every two years in the House and every six in the Senate. But it is next to impossible to beat an incumbent with the "franking" privileges, and all the fund raising that goes on during his/her term in office.
The only way to return to a truly representative government is to have term limits and mandatory age retirement for elected officials.
1 comment:
Once an elected official gets the proper credentials in Washington by bowing down to the chiefs who have been in office for years and he/she casts votes according to seniority members wishes, he/she is set for years in office.This careerism is completely out of control and the top dog elitists are assured long tenures in the U.S.Senate and less so in the House of Representatives because a six year term versus a two year term gives wealthy lobbyists time to convert their outlandish "contributions"into pork for the lobbyists interests.However,stray from the party's principles such as Senator Joe Lieberman and a few others have done in backing the President of the U.S.in our war against Iraq and you quickly become burned toast.A conservative majority in The U.S.Supreme Court just might challenge these careerists but this is highly doubtful as they have lifetime appointments which is another disgrace.So,these career politicians can flaunt the laws of our land, including free passes for their families in breaking the laws,whether it be drunken driving,drug abuse,sexual assault,physical assault,etc.The usual cop out of such criminal behavior is the leftist news media twisting the truth and keeping the details quiet.Then,suddenly,we are told that this is a private family matter and the perpetrator is now undergoing "rehab." therapy.This is another way of saying he/she will receive no punishment or prolonged treatment because they live by a different set of rules and standards than us dummies out there in the real world.If any of these princes of power would read the Book of Job in the Old Testament,they might not follow Job's sorrowful lamentations,but they might think about the definition of wisdom given in Job which is the fear of God.Yes,practicing Jews,Christians,and Moslems read Job.Atheists,gnostics and agnostics might get some inspiration if they read Job as well.God help America.
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