"We should always remember that our strength still lies in our faith in the good sense of the American people. And that the climate in Washington is still opposed to those enduring values, those ‘permanent things’ that we’ve always believed in... Washington is a place of fads and one-week stories. It’s also a company town, and the company’s name is government, big government... In the discussion of federal spending, the time has come to put to rest the sob sister attempts to portray our desire to get government spending under control as a hard-hearted attack on the poor people of America.” —Ronald Reagan
I used this quote from a great President and a great American to illustrate His apprehension of government spending. Spending the money confiscated from you and I in the form of ever increasing taxation.
When My Great grandparents emigrated from Europe to their new home in America thay came to flee oppressive government and to begin a new life, new language and new customs.
They sent their children to American schools to learn English, and through the children's learning, they learned to also speak English. Although in some cases, slightly muddled by their native language.
To them the melting pot of America was a way to assimilate into a new life. This does not appear to be the plan for many in the once great city that welcomed them when they immigrated in the late 1890s.
An article in the New York Post illustrates the way that the Melting pot has given way to a Balkanization of New York and some of our other large Cities.
Under the supervision of School Chancellor, Joel Klein there are presently 60 taxpayer funded "public Schools" that focus on a language other than English! The schools are "charter schools" that teach in one of the following languages: Spanish,Russian, Greek,French,Chinese Koean and now Arabic.
The Arabic school, Khalil Gibran Arabic Academy, is still in construction, but the designated principal was to be an activist Muslim who wore a T-shirt with the words "Infitada NYC". Dhaba Almontaser has resigned her position before the school opened because of media exposure of her radical views, but the school will be completed, and open to teach Arab Culture, history and Arab language.And maybe Infitada aginst the U.S.
The word intifada was coined in 1988 when the Palestinians were waging war with the Israelis.It has no other logical definition than a word to describe the violence of waging war against the Infidels! Ms. Almontaser was quoted as saying it meant nothing other than "shake off".
There are no taxpayer supported Catholic or Jewish Rabinical schools. Nor are there Baptist, Evangelical or any other Religious schools that are tax payer funded. You can bet your last dollar that the Arabic school is a religious school based upon the teaching of Sharia and the precepts of Muhammed found in the Koran.
Why do the people of New York stand for this situation? It can only be that secular humanism, political correctness and apathy has taken over a City that should know better.
1 comment:
New York City is a cesspool of snobs,self righteous nobodies thinking they have arrived,and a dying culture that is foreign to itself.Materialistic grabbers is a trademark of what used to be a great city of diverse ethnic groups that came together in times of crises but stayed among their own ethnic groups, for the most part, when things were stable.Those were the days in the past when God was the King and people acted with charity,humility,and consideration for one another.Now we have a new god called secular indifference with the characteristics of greed for money and greed for material things with little or no real compassion for other Americans less fortunate, and a morality comparable to farm animals, or worse.This is the "trendy"set of fools wallowing in a phony world of certain self destruction while the political charlatans work overtime to allow laws to be twisted and broken,with the result bringing a certain collapse of a Constitutional system that worked great for amost 200 years until these pseudointellectual,liberal Marxists decided to change what works to what has proved a failure since the 18th century.The sad thing about this deception of lies has been the outright legalized murder of millions of innocent children who were denied life because of the gluttony of these "trendy" people who sip their wine on some patio without a thought of this infanticide.Is it any wonder that a mixed up bunch of political hacks would allow a taxpayer supported Islamic school to be opened and operated by Moslems?The parents and grandparents of these non practicing Christians and Jews would condemn this Godless behavior as heresy of the worst type.Remember little ones "what is good for the goose is good for the gander".Mull that over in your minds in the morning while you sip your organic coffee beverage at your over priced coffee houses.Most of you will never figure it out.
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