Senator Obama, Senator H. Clinton and every other Democrat candidate for President is traveling around the Country like little Red Riding Hood, bearing a basket of "goodies " they promise to deliver if elected to the Presidency.
But just like in the fairy tale. look out for the wolf in "Red Ridding Hoods" clothes!
Behind the promises some of this countries most liberal academics are meeting to develop plans for the socialization of the finest abd costly, medical system in the world.
The Brookings Institute recently held a forum called The Hamilton Project,moderated by Robert Rubin and included such experts as Ezekiel Emanuel, a bio-ethicist from NIH and Victor Fuchs, an Economics Professor at Stanford University.
The following is a direct quote from the publish report of their first meeting: "The universal basic package should be financed by a dedicated tax that everyone pays, such as a value-added tax.
We would administer the program through an independent National Health Board and 12 regional boards modeled on the Federal Reserve System. They would oversee health plans, define the benefits packages and, through strong incentives, facilitate adoption of patient safety measures and electronic management of medical records.(blogger note;this would produce thousands more government jobs while providing not one medical service to the public)
·We would establish an independent Institute for Technology and Outcomes Assessment to systematically evaluate new technologies and quantify their health benefits in relation to their costs. These evaluations would be used by the National Health Board and health plans.(more bureaucrats no care here!)
Reform based on these measures would eliminate job lock, increase workers' wages and make labor markets more efficient. It would also give Americans -- rather than their employers -- their choice of health plans, doctors and hospitals. And it would eliminate the $200 billion business tax deduction for providing health coverage.
(sounds like the taxes would decrease wages and have no effect on efficiency of markets)
Most important, such measures would improve efficiency and provide cost control for the health-care system. Eliminating employers' vetting of insurance companies and all associated costs would save tens of billions of dollars. Since all Americans would be guaranteed coverage, means testing and determination of subsidies necessary for Medicaid and SCHIP would be eliminated. Finally, the expected consolidation of the health insurance industry would also increase efficiency.(They don't mention that to do all of this $4-5 billion dollars would have to be collected in "value -added taxes")
Only comprehensive change of our broken system can The universal basic package be accomplished. It would be financed by a dedicated tax that everyone pays, such as a value-added tax.(see no numbers here, GAO estimates the 4-5 billion)
The program would be administered( more government employees-no care) through an independent National Health Board and regional boards modeled on the Federal Reserve System. They would oversee health plans, define the benefits packages and, through strong incentives, facilitate adoption of patient safety measures and electronic management of medical records.( sounds like the efficiency of the Postal Service_YUCK!)
· Establish an independent Institute for Technology and Outcomes Assessment to systematically evaluate new technologies and quantify their health benefits in relation to their costs. These evaluations would be used by the National Health Board and health plans.( more bureaucrats-no care here)
Reform based on these measures would eliminate job lock,(what job lock?), increase workers' wages( How?) and make labor markets more efficient. It would also give Americans -- rather than their employers -- their choice of health plans, doctors and hospitals. And it would eliminate the $200 billion business tax deduction for providing health coverage.(Typical socialism that sounds like Karl Marx)
Most important, such measures would improve efficiency and provide cost control for the health-care system. Eliminating employers' vetting of insurance companies and all associated costs would save tens of billions of dollars. Since all Americans would be guaranteed coverage, means testing(soak those who have,and give to have nots) and determination of subsidies necessary for Medicaid and SCHIP would be eliminated. Finally, the expected consolidation of the health insurance industry would also increase efficiency.
Only a comprehensive change of our broken system can The universal basic package be implemented, and it should be financed by a dedicated tax that everyone pays, such as a value-added tax.
What Ezekiel and Victor don't highlight is the Plan they propose would very soon eliminate Medicare and Medicaid, and end the tax exemption for employers health plans for their employees!
"Big Brother"is alive and well, and this time instead of meeting in closed door sessions directed by Hillary Clinton. They are holding forums allegedly for the purpose of fixing a broken medical system. What they actually are doing is planning the further socialization of our way of life.
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