This great country of ours is just as divided today as it was in 1861 when the eleven Southern States seceded from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America.
The reason historians give for the split was slavery, and perhaps it was, and should have been an issue of great importance.
But those who took this Country into a war that lasted until 1865 and caused the death of 811,000 uniformed combatants who were in some cases brothers fighting each other. Because one believed in States rights granted to the States by Thomas Jefferson in his Kentucky and Virginia Papers, and the other believed in preserving the Union. But the Northern "abolitionists" didn't even consider the possibility of granting the freed slaves, civil or voting rights. This had to wait until the 1960s.
Today the Country is even more divided over who will decide how we live and speak. The Blue State people believe in taxation, abortion rights, gay rights, hate speech legislation, gun control,reduced military and amnesty for illegal aliens. All dictated by Big Government.
The Red States, that voted in President Bush twice, believe the individual not the State should be responsible for him/her from cradle to grave. Big government and punitive taxation are anathema, and a strong military is necessary to protect our freedoms.
A good example of the irresponsible promises made by Democrats in Federal Government service was made by Hillary Clinton. Senator Hillary Clinton said she would, if elected, establish a national academy to train public servants.
"I'm going to be asking a new generation to serve...I think just like our military academies, we need to give a totally all-paid education to young men and women who will serve their country in a public service position."
Once again, to he** with encouraging individualism, Senator Clinton prefers the government to train young Americans how to serve their country. Sounds to me like a page out of Franklin Roosevelt's "CC Camps" during the great depression. You can be sure she's not advocating compulsory military service, with the animus, despite her tepid support for the troops in Iraq, she and husband Bill have for the military.
The question needs to be asked of Ms.Clinton and all the other socialists running for President of the United States. How are you planing to pay for all the government largess you are promising to enact if you are elected President?
Liberals are all for repealing the tax cuts implemented by President Bush. Cuts that have resulted in economic growth that brought in more tax dollars to the U.S Treasury since 2003 than before the cuts were made. They also want to grant amnesty to 20 million illegal immigrants that will immediately allow them benefits of big government.
During this weeks Forum in Chicago the Candidates for President made not one single reference to the dwindling solvency of the Social Security system or Medicaid and Medicare. Hillary almost shouted out, above the loud Union crowd, that she would not let the Privatization of social security happen, but that was the extent of any show at physical responsibility by the "Democritus!
The following is a quote that illustrates a real fiscal problem this country faces that was not even mentioned by the seven "dwarfs" in Chicago.
"Medicare and Social Security combined are on track to eat up the entire federal budget.
The trustees estimate the 75-year burden on general revenues from these two programs at $31.9 trillion, more than six times the current outstanding federal debt.
Looking beyond 75 years into the indefinite future, the combined long-run funding gap is $74.8 trillion in today's dollars.
Further, Congress will not have to wait long to feel the pinch, says Goodman:
"Last year the combined deficits in the two programs claimed 5.3 percent of federal income tax revenues; in 15 years these two programs will require more than a fourth of income tax revenues.
By 2030, about the midpoint of the baby boomer retirement years, these two programs will require almost half of all federal income tax dollars; by 2040 it will require two-thirds.
What can be done? We are going to have to start thinking about choosing between health care and other uses of money, says Goodman. We are also going to have to start thinking about having each generation of retirees save for its own retirement and its own retirement health care needs. If we wait too long, the solutions will be drastic and painful."
Source: John C. Goodman, "A Fundamental Shift in Thinking," Washington Post, August 8, 2007.
A vote for any Democrat in 2008 is nothing short of financial suicide for Americans who work for a living!
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