The series that was created by Joel Surnow and Robert Cochran conclude two years ago, after six years of portraying a "super hero" who was a patriot that believed that to protect Americans from the threat of terrorists, nothing was bared in his arsenal. Each year Jack Bauer was portrayed fighting terrorists who had no regard for the Geneva Convention or our Constitution.
He was portrayed as the only one "CTU"(counter terrorism unit) could stop such disasters as suitcase nuclear bombs detonated in American cities, release of deadly virus' in a suspenseful real-time narrative, each episode typically followed not only Bauer and CTU, but a group in the U.S. government, the terrorists or conspirators behind the day's events, and one or more civilian families.
The main character was portrayed as a patriot who would do any thing to protect Our President and the People without remorse or regret.
But as the sixth year closed the "super hero" was portrayed as re-assessing his role in the fight versus the costs to himself, his family and friends, many whom had been killed.
Beginning 2001, when even the Leftists in the USA had to acknowledge the threat that Muslim terrorists presented. The attack on the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon in D.C. on September 11,2001, proved that to even the sceptics. All Americans knew that there was a group, whose location was unknown at the time, that wanted to destroy our way of life.
As the Patriot Act was passed, the actions of the Covert operations of the character played by Kiefer Sutherland became undesirable by the Left in the Media. Writers like The New York Magazines Emily Nuussbaum, began a verbal and written attack on the show 24, and covert operations in general, that were alleged to be taking place in locations like Guantanamo and CIA prisons around the world.
Nussbaum even called Bauer the "cockroach" that could survive nuclear attack!
Forgetting, conveniently, that to be considered a soldier at war the Geneva Convention specifies that the person must be wearing a military uniform, and that our Constitution was written for American citizens,the media began a propaganda campaign against not only the Bush administration, but any movie or TV show that portrayed what use to be a no holds barred fight against terrorism.
Well, it appears the Left has found a willing accomplice in the producers and writers of 24. The two hour segment last night was filled with recriminations about criminal acts committed by Bauer. It even had a brief segment that portrayed the U.S. Senate holding a hearing to determine if an indictment of Bauer was appropriate for "war crimes"!
The show also introduced a Liberal female Senator as President elect who was elected to "CHANGE" the way things were done. And if the theme and dialogue did not upset Conservatives enough. The introduction of Janeane Garofalo as one of the supporting cast of FBI agents, Janis Gold, is an indication to me, that the LEFT has taken over the show. Ms. Garofalo, a cynical leftist actress and wannabe comedian, is noted for her activist role in protesting the liberation of Iraq,and in September of 2008 she said on HBO's Real Time "that it would be a good thing if all Republicans were jailed"!
As early as 2003, when asked by Mike Barnacle, "who did she think was a worst threat to world peace, Saddam or Bush?" She answered that" they both are very threatening to World Peace, and to deny that is incredibly naive"!
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