If a report in the American Thinker blog is accurate it appears that even the prestigious Army War College for officers has modified their training and education to eliminate the dissuasion of Muslim extremism.
For over one hundred years the Army War College has been educating officers to be leaders in the finest Army in the world. The AWC Mission statement and vision state this: "USAWC prepares selected military, civilian, and international leaders for the responsibilities of strategic leadership In a joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational environment.
*Educates current and future leaders on the development and employment of landpower.
*Supports the operational and institutional force
*Conducts research, and publishes to influence thought on national security and military strategy
*Supports the Army’s strategic communication efforts
The U.S. Army War College VISION statement includes these words:
*The Army War College strives to be the most prestigious institution for the education of strategic leaders and the intellectual leader of strategic landpower employment and development in a joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational environment.Source The Us Army War College Home Page
If they really believe what they say and print about their vision and mission. They are doing themselves and future leaders of the Army forces who will put their lives in their hands, a dis-service by ignoring the threat that the Islamic threat poses to us as a nation.Particularly those who enter "harms way" to wage combat against them, as they will certainly have to do in the future. Islam is a religion that does not accept other religions as equals as do Americans Christians and Jews. But is dedicated to conversion of the whole world populace into the "nirvana" of Islam, an they are not going away!
"Two recent blog posts by Washington Post military correspondent Tom Ricks related to policies and publications by the U.S. Army War College give evidence to this strategic collapse in the War on Terror.
Two weeks ago, Ricks reported on a new publication by Army War College research professor Sherifa Zuhur on Hamas and Israel that informs readers that Hamas has been misunderstood due to the misreporting by “Israeli and Western sources that villainize the group.” Zuhur concludes that Hamas isn’t so bad after all, so we all just need to get along and embrace the terrorist group through negotiations — a view apparently endorsed by the Army War College when it published her defense of Hamas.
A second post last week, “Fiasco at the Army War College: The Sequel,” records an exchange between Ricks and defense expert and author Mark Perry. Assessing the academic state of affairs at the War College, Perry informed Ricks:
It’s worse than you think. They have curtailed the curriculum so that their students are not exposed to radical Islam. Akin to denying students access to Marx during the Cold War."
If Israel is the object of destruction by Muslims; if Hindus, "Westerners," Jews and Christians are separated from Muslims and then slaughtered to joyous shouts of " (our) god is great!" in Mumbai can the US really be safe if we don't understand the enemy because apologists (at best) suppress the information? Be afraid, be very afraid.
As the Office of the President Elect Barack Obama (D) and Secretary of State designate Senator Hillary R. Clinton (D) have noted, we are part of the world and all the "smart" diplomacy they advocate won't ensure our safety from those who believe their god is so great he (and it is definitely a he) commands death to the non believers and a glorious martyrs' heaven to the believers.
Apparently the power of Muslim organizations has become so influential that even flag ranked officers are not exempt from political correct policing, as this story illustrates.
"Joint Chiefs of Staff analyst Stephen Coughlin, who published his finding in his master’s thesis at the National Defense Intelligence University, “To Our Great Detriment”: Ignoring What Extremists Say About Jihad. In his thesis, Coughlin examines texts from multiple schools of Islamic jurisprudence to evaluate the respective traditions on jihad and their contemporary use by Islamic terrorists, concluding that failing to investigate these sources has left our military “disarmed in the war of ideas.”
Coughlin’s thesis had barely seen the light of day before he was sacked from his position with the Joint Chiefs, having running afoul of another Pentagon official, Hesham Islam, a top-ranked Muslim advisor to Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England, who took issue with Coughlin’s academic analysis.
When will Americans wake up and realize that the basics of Islamic Muslim may be peace, but the intent is to convert or kill all other religions and athiests. If you doubt me, just check the history of Muslims since the 600's, and read the Koran.
It is a world wide movement that does not care how long it takes to obtain their "religious" conversion, and putting discussion out of bounds is done at our peril!
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