Perhaps it is because very little American history is taught in our Public schools. Then again it might be just more convenient for Fast moving ,Want it now" generation to never look back.
Whatever the reason it is about to be Korea and Vietnam revisited if President Bush buys into that "trash" called the ISGR. Once again the "peace at all costs" crowd seems to be winning the hearts and minds of the decision makers in Washington.
In the 50's it was Truman relieving General MacArthur from his command in Korea, because he wanted to wage all out war against the North Koreans and Chinese if necessary. Had we done what he wanted , including use of nuclear weapons if needed their would be no North Korean nuclear missile threat, and Communist China would not be the strong nuclear power they are now.

Now if President Bush follows his fathers friends advice, and uses the IRSG report to end the Iraq war, we will once again be "back to the future." The possibility of genocide in Iraq is very real, as is the possibility of another"Diem Bien Fu"for the reduced number of troops that are left as advisers if we withdraw our troops from Iraq.
The first President has the legacy of failing to finish the job when we went into Iraq during his only term in office. Let us hope and pray his son won't do the same thing due to pressure from the "Diplomacy Freaks"!
1 comment:
A statesman is like breaking wind in a public restroom when it comes to dealing with barbarians who kill for their god or lack of a god.Nothing is accomplished but a bunch of stinking hot air.You can't convince these pompous idealogues of that.They will sell the farm rather than stand for victory and shut up.
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