The thing that keeps nagging my consciousness is that at this time of the year especially we Americans, :have to believe"!
although I am what some would call a senior citizen I had never read the book or watched Tom Hanks version of "The Polar Express" until last night. My wife has cherished the book for the 33 years we have Been married, and read it to our now grown son every Christmas while he was still a child.
The movie version is cleverly done with computer animation, and a good watch for adults as well as the children. Its' theme is "you have to believe".Of course the belief they talk about is the belief in Santa Claus and the North Pole where he and his elves weave their magic for Christmas eve delivery to all "good children".
At varying ages, mine was at age seven, we all learn that Santa is a myth, but that doesn't stop our belief system fortunately. I want to propose that we have to believe in certain fundamental principals.
We should believe in a Devine power who created this wonderful if flawed world we live on. Whether it is God as I believe, Buddha, Allah, or some other name. It is important to realise that whether God created the earth by causing the "Big Bang" or it took him the six biblical days it doesn't matter. All we have to do is look at the miracle of birth to realise this doesn't happen by accident.
We have to believe we should be thankful for living in this great Country. No other country in the world has all the wonderful opportunities for a good life if you are willing to work for it.
We have to believe there are people who hate us, some unfortunately within our country who would love to see us go down the way the Roman Empire did.
We have to believe in the rights of individuals without which we are nothing more than a sham.
We have to believe this is all worth fighting for if we believe it exists at all.
We have to believe it is better to fight our avowed enemies on their home soil rather than wait until they are here and we are fighting in our streets not theirs.
Lastly we must believe that Goodness can triumph over evil if only their is a will to do it!
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