The whole world seems to assume that President Bush will "role over" and declare, as too many have, that he made a mistake and the war in Iraq can't be won. The problem with all of this prattle is we did win the war, the army of Saddam Hussein was torn to pieces by our brave and dedicated soldiers, marines air force and navy. But maintaining the peace is the difficult part. When terrorist fanatics are willing to kill their own people this battle will be as hard to win as has been the war in Northern Ireland. Nothing we do can make the fanatical Sunnis not hate the fanatical Shiites! They have been fighting of and on for centuries, with the willing support of such "bastions of freedom" as Syria and Iran.
It is regrettably true that once a man or women gets elected to either the House of Representatives or the Senate they catch the fever, The fever is power and prestige, which drives them to begin campaigning as soon as they are sworn into office. A problem that can only be solved by instituting universal term limits. We have it for the president, What make the other Washington "Princes" so special?
Maybe if term limits were enacted we would have politicians who come to Washington to do some good for the country. Not just special interests that keep them in the office they hold. If they knew they had to go back to normal life after a given time. They would work together to protect the great country they are suppose to represent!
1 comment:
Great article Bill.
Where have the statesmen gone that once were standouts in Washington?Now, we have a group of mostly self seeking polemicists who are part of a careerist group of wealthy partisan groups who play the party label with hate but no diplomacy whatsoever.
The playboy and playgirl political hacks of today,for the most part, spend millions upon millions of taxpayers dollars on wasteful projects to line the pockets of special interests in their home states to insure the pursuit of their careerism with little to no thought for our feedom from terrorism.Many of them have lied so much about their true positions on the war because of damn foolish partisan politics that this country is in a totally politically motivated chance of quitting in Iraq to the joy of our left wing appeasers in Washington.
Meanwhile,our so caled statesmen dole out taxpayer money for the non existant global warming hoax,birth control for sub-teens,killing of babies, called abortion to be politically correct,and on and on with the approval of longwinded nutcase, activist created programs.Yet,these so called statesmen are selling out our troops and their accomplishments in a war which could have been won a long time ago if the Washington elitists would not have tied the hands of the greatest military power and, I might add, bravest troops in the world behind their backs and limited their military missions.I agree 6 years maximum and out for both Houses of Congress and our Judicial system as well.It would be an improvement over the arrogance and pomposity representing us,for the most part,now.The big looming question is how would you accomplish this impossible task when these princes and princesses would have to approve their own removal?Not a chance that they would choose going back to a job when they can live the life style they are living.
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