A very famous and poignant movie by David Lean is "Doctor Zhivago". The movie is about the love affair between a married doctor poet and the beautiful also married "Laura", but intertwined in the plot is the story of the Russian Revolution. In one early scene the apparent fiancee of Laura, "Strelnakoff" is marching with the soldiers going off to fight the Germans. Laura asks him why? His reply is appropriate for many of today's anti-war marchers. He says I need to be with the troops so I can convince them to lay down their weapons and join the Revolution.
Unfortunately with all the turmoil in the Middle East we Americans have forgotten the threat that Communism once posed toward our way of life.
We have assumed it is dead and buried. But I say it was just hibernating until the opportunity came to reassert its' influence.
Putin and many of his closest members of the Russian government are KGB alumni. Putin himself said, "there is no such thing as an ex-KGB agent!"
The recent news of Russian shipment of $700 million worth of TOR-M1 anti-aircraft batteries to Iran, and the shipment of SA-14 and SA-16 portable surface to air missiles that are now being used against our troops in Iraq proves Russia is no friend to the U.S.
Russia has chosen sides in this fight, even though our Media would have you believe they are our allies.
The proposed legislation by the "wayward Marine" Martha to cut off funding to the troops, and the equally devastating proposal by Senator Levin to amend the 2003 Congressional authorization to change the "ROE" to one of support not combat without prior authorization of a battery of "legal experts" are both giving aid and comfort to the enemy. There is no doubt in my mind that if this proposed legislation were offered in any other Country but Ours, it would be considered treason during a time of war.
During the Vietnam War, McNamara and President Johnson micro-managed the war so badly it was doomed to fail. Now the Democratic Congress and a few "off the Reservation RINO's" are trying to micromanage Iraq with the only result being defeat.
However, if this dastardly legislation gets passed it won't be the civilians who are left "high and dry". It will be our troops who will be killed as support and supplies dwindle. This is unthinkable!
I am sure this is not what the American people want to happen. Write your members of Congress and tell them not to cut off support for our brave warriors! Things have not gone well since the Forces of Saddam were vanquished, but they will get a whole lot worst if the leftist "defeatists" have their way.
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