Leaving Iraq will bring satisfaction to our alleged allies, Russia, France and Germany. It will give them free access to trade with the Radicals who surely will take power after the "blood Bath".
Iraq will also become a staging ground for additional terrorist training camps, and the chemical and biological weapons that were shipped across the borders to Syria and Iran will be brought back to restart the WMD program that Saddam "never had".
With the Democrats effort to give their avowed enemy President Bush a black eye they will become willing accomplices of the International jihad.
For those who don't believe such a crusade exists. I have include the conclusion of testimony given during the FBI presentation to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence January 20, 2007 by Michael E. Rolince. Mr. Rolince Is Special Agent in Charge , Washington D.C.

Some of the groups they are watching in the U.S. are the Black Separatists and Animal Rights extremists. Groups the FBI feels "might follow radical variants of Islam."
Once the International terrorists no longer have Iraq to worry about. They can and will step up their attacks in the U.S. and any other Country supportive of Our efforts in Iraq.
"Fat Cat" politicians have the money and power to shield themselves from this inevitable threat, but you and I have no such protection. God save the 2nd Amendment!
The FBI Testimony follows:
"The lesson to be drawn is that Al Qaeda is but one faction of a larger and very amorphous radical anti-western network that uses Al Qaeda members as well as others who share common hatred or are sympathetic to Al Qaeda's ideas or that share common hatreds. Terrorists world-wide speak of jihad and wonder why the western world is focused on groups rather than on the concepts that make them a community. Al Qaeda is far less a large organization than a facilitator, sometimes orchestrator, of Islamic militants around the globe. These militants are linked by ideas and goals, not by organization structure. The intent is establishment of states ruled by Islamic law, (sharia) and free of western influence. Usama Bin Laden's contribution to the Islamic jihad is as a creature of the modern world. He has spawned a global network of individuals with common, radical ideas, kept alive by modern communications and sustained through large amounts of money.
In the final analysis, the international jihad movement is comprised of dedicated individuals and numerous groups committed to establishing a Muslim community through terrorist means. Many of these are people who attended universities together, trained in the camps together, traveled and lived together. Al Qaeda and other international terrorist groups remain focused on the United States as their primary target. The United States and its allies must continue to adapt to changing circumstances.
Conclusion:As we continue to learn more about the individuals involved in the planning and execution of the terrorist acts of September 11-- the FBI and other members of the Intelligence and Law Enforcement Communities are using all the tools provided by the U.S. Government, such as the Patriot Act, to ensure more comprehensive efforts in the collection, analysis and sharing of information to prevent terrorist acts and prosecute those responsible. The FBI is continuing its efforts to work hand-in-hand with our partners to improve information sharing."
1 comment:
These turncoats in Congress, aided and abetted by our hate America major news media, should refresh their bravado stance for "cut and run"from Iraq in the year 2007 with their stance of major hysterical paralysis when the TwinTowers were destroyed,The Pentagon suffered major damage,and a period of uncertainty of what might happen next resulted in irrational,acute panic attacks that proved Presudent Bush was one of very few who calmly and with firm resolve responded to the declaration of war on our country by Muslim terrorists which number in the millions.
While our now bravado talking cowards were hiding in basements,leaving their posts in Washington to hide,and calling for billions of dollars of wasted money harrassing our citizens more than the enemy by using such absurd hands off policies of "Racial profiling"to be more sensitive to anybody who looked like he or she could be from the middle east.Going even further and increasing the ongoing charade of prosecuting for a hate crime those who stopped potential terrorists.
Thousands of pointless concrete barricades still standing in front of almost every National Guard armory is enough testimony to childish thinking in times of crises by grownups in public office having been overexposed to video games.They don't seem to understand that people who murder others by cutting heads off and murder people while destroying themselves is a reality which they strangely but sadly still ignore.These aren't conventional warriors in the modern sense,but they are primitive warriors using guerilla tactics and they will not give in to cowards.
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