This resolution to condemn the Presidents sending more troops to Iraq to support those valiant troops already there was nothing short of a vote of "lack of Confidence" in President Bushs' policy in Iraq. It also would have given more aid and comfort to our enemy, the radical Islamists. Fortunately it failed, 56-34. Four votes short of the super majority needed.
That's the good news! The bad news is there were seven who betrayed the Republican President who were elected as republicans. Coleman of Minn.,Collins of Maine, Hagel of Neb.,Smith of Oregon, Snow of Maine, SPECTOR of Pa., and WARNER of Va. all became the "un-magnificent seven" by voting with the Democrats. An outright betrayal of the Republicans who elected them to their Senate seats believing they would support the president Republicans voted into the Oval Office.
The nine no vote Senators is a large a disgrace as the votes by Republican Senators for the Democratic proposal. Bennett of Utah, Bond of Mo., Cochran,Miss., Corker of Tenn., Ensign of Nev., HATCH of Utah, McCAIN of Arizona, Kyl Ariz., Muskowski of Washington all either didn't show up to vote or "sat on their hands"when it was time to be counted for personal political reasons.
Senator McCain will have the excuse he was on the campaign trail, but in my opinion if he expects to get the votes of loyal Conservative voters he should show up for this kind of vote. I won't pull the voting lever for him in 2008!
Unless these nine Senators were on their sick beds they should have been there to vote for supporting our troops by giving them more troops to fight with. The "no Vote" is a betrayal of trust at the very least.
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