The reason I believe they should be in the forefront of closing the Borders to Muslim immigrants is that Muslim life is dictated by Sharia law. This "way or Path" to a legal framework which regulates Muslim life does not allow secularism. Sharia law deals with politics, economics, banking, business law, security and most of all social issues.
Sharia law recognizes no other legal authority. A system of devising laws with no codifying uniform set of laws that is based upon interpretation and precedent as interpreted by Muslim Scholars and Imams is a dangerous path for the liberals to accept.
In Canada during 1991 Muslims tried to establish Sharia arbitration in legal affairs. This attempt was defeated because Canadians realized that Sharia law is inherently based on "misogyny" . Based on a prejudice against women. This should raise alarm bells for the women's rights movement in the U.S.
Muslims also believe that abortion after 120 days from conception is murder, and severely punishable.
In Europe we read about the areas of Holland where Muslims refuse to allow local police to come into their "ghettos" to enforce the law. A similar movement is taking place gradually in Germany and France, because they allowed unlimited Muslim immigration.
In Muslim countries like Iran there is no chapter of Planned Parenthood, and until recently the only contraception allowed was "coitus Interrupts". It too has since been banned. Sex is only allowed for procreation. This will help their numbers grow wherever they settle.
Sharia law also forbids any disparaging remarks or writings about Muslim leaders and their clerical support in government. The "fourth Estate" in the U.S. would have to shut down if Sharia law was enforced here. This is one thing I can't argue with!
The European Court for Human Rights recently declared "Sharia law as incompatible with a Democratic State."

We may have two types of Muslims among us. Moderate and the Radical, but they all have one fundamental similarity. Sharia law, that is incompatable with the rights and freedoms both Liberals and Conservative have here in America. Liberals wake up!

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