The irony of this environmental meeting is that it is being held in Germany. Home to one of the worlds greatest environmental disaster machines in modern times. Nazi Germany's war machine.
Chancellor Merkel of Germany is leading the charge to tackle what has been described by Germany's Sigmar Gabriel, as "the greatest challenge of this century". I guess he forgot about last years great challenge "world hunger", and the ever present challenge and threat of radical Islam.
Germany will not to be outdone by the members of G8 who have pledged to reduce their c02 emissions 20% by the year 2020. Ms. Merkel has pledged to reduce Germany's co2 emissions 40% by 2020.
The problem with Ms. Merkel's commitment is that at the same time the coal fired Energy industry leader "Vattenfall" has announced that by 2012 it will build a new coal fired power plant in East Germany. Like many other German power plants this plant will be fired using Polish Ligmite or brown coal. Brown coal is harvested from open pit mines,In Poland and South Africa, and is much more harmful to the air we breath than black coal used in the U.S.
Brown coal produces 1,153 grams of co2 for every kilowatt of energy it produces. Black coal produces 949 grams of co2, and nuclear power creates none.The new Vattenfall power plant will burn 2 million tons of Polish brown coal a year.
Germany decided in 2001 to not build anymore nuclear power plants, and they are scheduled to deactivate their present nuclear plants in the years ahead. This will place Ms. Merkel in the position of finding a way to reduce missions by turning her efforts to the people who use energy.
The energy industry producers have plans on the drawing board for 26 more lignite powered power plants in the coming years to replace the energy lost by closing the "nukes".
Despite the fact that today's meeting will spend all its time studying ways to stop the destruction of the worlds rain forests, and protecting endangered species. The leftist Greenpeace group is protesting outside the G8 meeting as seen in the picture below. They won't be satisfied until we revert to the "horse and buggy days"!

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