Ms. Sheehan is more of a nuisance than a threat to the way we live today, but the people mentioned in the article I have attached are a dedicated cadre of leftists who want to change America into a total Welfare socialist state. These people are a danger to our way of life, and they are all funded by the Greek billionaire George Soros. They must not be allowed to prevail at the polls or in the streets of the U.S.!
The following is part of an article printed in FrontPage Magazine entitled: "Campaign for a Socialist Future."

"CAF credits “Take Back America 2006” with helping to secure progressive wins in that year's midterm congressional elections. Participants in the 2006 event included John Kerry, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Russ Feingold, Bernie Sanders, Barbara Ehrenreich, Jan Schakowsky, Barbara Lee, Maxine Waters, and AFL-CIO President John Sweeney. Topping the agenda for CAF’s “Take Back America 2007” event were the issues of “affordable education and health care for all”; “the right to join a union”; and “pushing for a vote to get U.S. troops out of the middle of the civil war in Iraq.” In the 2004 presidential election, CAF partnered with both the Democratic Party and a number of far-left special interest groups in a campaign to oppose tax cuts. The Democratic National Committee stated, “The Democratic Party is partnering with MoveOn.org, People for the American Way, Campaign for America's Future, and dozens of other groups representing millions of Americans to organize a massive public mobilization … [J]oin us by calling and emailing your representatives in Congress to let them know that the majority of Americans oppose more irresponsible tax cuts ...” CAF also endorsed “Invest in America,” an anti-tax-cut statement supported by: ACORN; Alliance For Justice; the American Friends Service Committee; the Center for Community Change; the Center For Women's Policy Studies; the Children’s Defense Fund; the Democratic Socialists of America; the Environmental Working Group; the League of United Latin American Citizens; the League of Women Voters; the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund; the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy; the National Council of La Raza; the National Lawyers Guild; the National Organization for Women; the National Women's Law Center; the Older Women's League; Peace Action; Physicians for Social Responsibility; Planned Parenthood; Public Citizen; the Service Employees International Union; the United States Student Association; Veterans For Peace; and Women’s Action for New Directions. CAF’s founders and advisors include, among others: Peter Barnes of Redefining Progress/Working Assets; Ann Beaudry of People for the American Way; Mary Frances Berry, former Chair of U.S. Civil Rights Commission; Susan Bianchi-Sand of the National Committee on Pay Equity; Julian Bond of the NAACP; Heather Booth, founder of the Midwest Academy; John Cavanagh of the Institute for Policy Studies; Jeff Cohen of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting; Mitchell Cohen, the co-editor of Dissent magazine; Ken Cook of the Environmental Working Group; Barbara Ehrenreich, Honorary Chair of the Democratic Socialists of America; Columbia School of Journalism professor Todd Gitlin; Heidi Hartmann, President of the Institute for Women's Policy Research; longtime radical leftist Tom Hayden; Bullitt Foundation President Denis Hayes; former National Organization for Women President Patricia Ireland; Illinois congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr.; Robert Kuttner of the American Prospect; Harold Meyerson, Vice-Chair of Democratic Socialists of America; former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich; Arlie Schardt, President of Environmental Media Services; Susan Shaer, Executive Director of Women’s Action for New Directions; Andrew Stern, President of the Service Employees International Union; John J. Sweeney, President of the AFL-CIO; and Leslie R. Wolfe of the Center for Women Policy Studies. The late feminist icon Betty Friedan also served as an advisor to CAF.CAF recently received $300,000 in funding from the billionaire financier George Soros.
As you can see the Socialists are well represented in this drive to destroy our Capitalist system of government. We cannot let them prevail, and unfortunately Rudi, John and the rest of the current aspirants to the White House cannot and will not stop the slide toward Marxist socialism. WE need a Fred Thompson or Newt to lead as did Ronald Reagan out of this shadow of defeat and appeasement.

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