Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
The lefts anointed candidate for President of the United States in 2008 was everywhere you tuned on the Sunday television"talk" shows yesterday. She was busy bashing President Bush and the Iraqi government for their failures in bringing the war to a successful conclusion on all five of the TV shows I briefly watched.
Her simplistic solution to the problem in Iraq was typical of a "chameleon" like person that Hillary Clinton. She said on the "Face The Nation" program that the only option is to stop the funding of the war. To get President Bush's attention and to get the present Iraqi government" to change course."
What course other than fighting the forces of evil she didn't say, but it is easy to discern that the course she wants is to include the withdrawal of all troops and let the"chips fall where they may" in Iraq.
To comprehend what this devious person with Marxist tendencies wants , it is worthwhile to review briefly what the cutting of of funds would do.
Thus far from 2003-2006 the U.S. has spent 28.9 billion dollars in Iraq. Of this 17.6 billion was spent to reconstruct the economic and political structures that were destroyed before our invasion by Saddam, and that which occurred during the war.
10.9 billion dollars have been spent for maintaining security assistance in Iraq, such as training a new police force. Approximately 40% of the funding, about 11.5 billion dollars, was spent rebuilding roads, seaports,bridges,airports,electric, water and sanitation plants for the restoration of infrastructure necessary to have a stable Iraq for the people we have fought to bring freedom.
22% of the funds went to education and health care facilities for the private sector. Replacing those that were destroyed before and during the war or were non-existent. This is 28.9 billion dollars for those people in Iraq the liberals keep saying are worse off for our occupation.
I will say one thing for ALL the Republican candidates for President. Not one has advocated withdrawal of our troops or even hinted at cutting off of funds. It would be monstrous to do that not only to the troops, but the Iraqi people. The world would rightly think of US as betrayer of trust.
To put this money spent in Iraq in proper perspective. I would remind you how much this Country spent rebuilding two enemies Country's after WWII.
In today's dollars we spent 15,2 billion between 1946 and 1952 in Japan, and we spent 29.3 billion dollars in Germany during the same time period. Of this amount 1.4 billion was for the Marshall plan that began in 1949. Four years after Our Government let the German population starve on less than 1000 calories a day rations for four years.
Electing people like Senator Hillary Clinton would be a disaster for the Iraqi's and an eventual downfall of the prestige and honor of our Proud Country. Don"t let it happen!
This country is on a steady path to total government regulation of all our activities, even the flushing of a toilet if Americans vote for any so called Democrat who in reality is a liberal socialist.Hillary Clinton is a shoo in the way Americans thus far have failed to see her false facade of political lies to get elected.When you observe the tolerance to these deceivers all over this country,only a penguin couldn't notice.The treasonous words and actions being allowed under some phony excuse of constitutional rights is outrageous.There are no constitutional rights for anyone who is knowingly trying to subvert this country to a phony and psychotic so called politically correct and Godless form of government.Democrats and some Republicans of leftist elitist ideology are merely copying what has proven a huge failure in Great Britain and all European countries with similar government subsidized social welfare systems.There is one aim of these leftists and it is not for a better life for the masses.They want a total police state run by a few so called elitists that will do with the masses whatever their will should be, whether it be snuffing out human lives that the government feels are no longer useful to the country or putting in prison or executing those considered dangerous to their utopian ideas.Wake up mainstream America because you are already allowing big Daddy and big Momma government to pretty much control most facets of your lives.You just don't notice the changes because you are comfortable with your apparent well being.Ask a few survivors from the Nazi Holocaust or Stalin Death camps if they didn't feel secure and insulated by material things before they were swept away by the millions by such social planners that we can also mistakenly and tragically put in power.A country that allows a leader of one of our mortal enemys to speak to a student body is a sick country.Education has reached the bottom of decency and is a cesspool of riff raff with completely traitorous behavior by allowing this killer from Iran to spew his venom openly close to a stonily silent shrine for thousands lost in the WTC.How soon these anti-Americans try to make all good Americans forget these monsters who randomly murder people for a religious belief.I just remembered the old southern saying "Forget,Hell"which I believe should be the sentiments of all decent American who love this country.
Democrats and some Republicans of leftist elitist ideology are merely copying what has proven a huge failure in Great Britain and all European countries with similar government subsidized social welfare systems.There is one aim of these leftists and it is not for a better life for the masses.They want a total police state run by a few so called elitists that will do with the masses whatever their will should be, whether it be snuffing out human lives that the government feels are no longer useful to the country or putting in prison or executing those considered dangerous to their utopian ideas.Wake up mainstream America because you are already allowing big Daddy and big Momma government to pretty much control most facets of your lives.You just don't notice the changes because you are comfortable with your apparent well being.Ask a few survivors from the Nazi Holocaust or Stalin Death camps if they didn't feel secure and insulated by material things before they were swept away by the millions by such social planners that we can also mistakenly and tragically put in power.A country that allows a leader of one of our mortal enemys to speak to a student body is a sick country.Education has reached the bottom of decency and is a cesspool of riff raff with completely traitorous behavior by allowing this killer from Iran to spew his venom openly close to a stonily silent shrine for thousands lost in the WTC.How soon these anti-Americans try to make all good Americans forget these monsters who randomly murder people for a religious belief.I just remembered the old southern saying "Forget,Hell"which I believe should be the sentiments of all decent American who love this country.
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