As the old saying goes, "he must be rolling over in his grave"! Yes Frederic Miller the founder of Miller Brewing company and a devout Catholic would not only be embarrassed beyond comprehension, but he and his successor grandson,Fred Miller, jr., who gave me my first job, would never have allowed the sponsorship of the deviate homosexual day in San Francisco.
This day, called this year "The Leather Street Fair", and every year there is a Folsom Street Fair celebrating the deviate life of homosexuals, lesbians and transsexuals which has bee sponsored by Miller brewery as well as many others.
This year a new low in "shaking their collective fist at God" has become part of their advertising the event. A depiction of Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper painting has been given a sadomasochism look.
The men and women sitting at the table are accompanied by the tools of their deviant sexual practices, and the people in the add are dressed or undressed in appropriate style for the homosexual lifestyle.
I have always said what people do in their own bedrooms or in private is a matter for them to be responsible for, and we "straights" should "butt out".
God is their only judge in the end, and I feel they have every right to be what they want to be, but when they use their animus for anti-religious principles by portraying a sacred event that to me and many billions of other Catholics represents the last supper of Jesus Christ and the beginning of the Sacrament of Holy Communion. This is not only bad taste, but a frontal attack on the people who say, "hate not the sinner, but the sin" and love the sinner.
Why a company once run by an All-American tackle and Captain of the Notre Dame football team, Frederic Miller,jr.would sponsor such an anti-Christian add is beyond comprehension.
Fred Miller was a Catholic family man with eight children, and a compassion for all College students at Marquette University in Milwaukee. He made sure there was a summer job for all of us who applied, and in my case a full time job at night during my junior and senior year that allowed me to finish college with a wife and three children. I was working the night he and his son, Fred Miller III, died in a plane crash shortly before Christmas on December 17, 1954.
Corporations have no conscience I know, but this is an abomination of corporate responsibility. The Sponsorship of this event and add has made me decide Miller products will never again be brought into my home, and I hope other Christians feel the same way.Political correctness has been taken to the end of the lime in this Real Sacrilege.
1 comment:
Insanity reigns with all the weird,sick psychos running amok in this world.Let them enjoy their sick perversions such as anal sex and all the other sick forms of behavior which other members of the animal kingdom do not partake,not even their close relative the chimpanzee.These pictures remind me of Dante's Inferno and his description of Hell.It will take more than beer to cure what ails these sickos and the various companies that sponsor these not humorous but disgusting ads.Anybody who supports any company that will stoop so low as to mock The Last Supper by replacing it with a demonic looking bunch of weirdos has stepped over the boundary of human decency.No Miller High Life for this former former drinker of what now is going to be any brand but Miller High Life.
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