"To understand war, one has to study its philosophy; the grammar and logic of your opponent. Only then are you approaching strategic comprehension. To understand the war against Islams terrorism one must begin to understand the Islamic way of war, its philosophy and doctrine, the meanings of jihad in Islam—and one needs to understand that those meanings are highly varied and utilitarian depending on the source.
With respect to the war against the global jihad and its associated terror groups, individual terrorists, and clandestine adherents, one should ask if there is a unique method or attitude to their approach to war. Is there a philosophy, or treatise such as Clausewitz’s On War that attempts to form their thinking about war? Is there a document that can be reviewed and understood in such a manner that we may begin to think strategically about our opponent. There is one work that stands out from the many.
"The Quranic Concept of War."
"The Quranic Concept of War", by Brigadier General S. K. Malik of the Pakistani Army provides readers with unequalled insight. Originally published in Pakistan in 1979, most available copies are found in India, or in small non-descript Muslim bookstores. One major point to ponder, when thinking about The Quranic Concept of War, is the title itself. The Quran is presumed to be the revealed word of God as spoken through his chosen prophet, Mohammad. According to Malik, the Quran places war fighting doctrine and its theory in a much different category than western thinkers are accustomed to, because it is not a theory of war derived by man, but of God. This is God’s war fighting principles and commandments revealed. Malik’s attempts to distill God’s doctrine for war through the examples of the Prophet. By contrast, the closest that Clausewitz comes to divine presentation is in his discussion of the trinity: the people, the state, and the military. In the Islamic context, the discussion of war is at the level of revealed truth and example, well above theory—God has no need to theorize. Malik notes, “As a complete Code of Life, the Holy Quran gives us a philosophy of war as well. . . . This divine philosophy is an integral part of the total Quranic ideology.”
The preceding paragraphs are fro the United States Army War College Quarterly.
The single most important concept all Americans, and especially our elected representatives including President Bush, must understand is we are fighting a"Holy War". Whether we are Christians, Jews ,Buddhists or agnostics we have to face the fact that this war is like no other war we have fought. Because it is viewed as a "Holy War" by our enemy combatants, the Islamic radical Jihadists. We must realize that withdrawal, appeasement or accommodation will not reduce their zeal to change the world to Islam law by converting or killing us all. Liberals and conservatives are all targets of their quest to erase our separation of Church and State, and replace it with a State controlled by Sharia law. This is the "Jihad" or continuous war that the Quran tells Muslims they must fight, not always militarily, but through political and educational means to convert all "infidels" to Islam.
The Muslim definition of "JEHAD" is "struggling, trying to advance the Divine causes or purposes. In the vocabulary of Islam "dawa" is to "invite the infidel to convert to Islam. If they refuse believers have no option but in self-defense to wage war."
The source of the previous statement is Brigadier General S.K. Malik of the Pakistani Army.
He says Jihad is a continuous and never ending struggle waged on all fronts including political, economic, social, psychological, domestic moral and spiritual to obtain their objectives. The power of Jihad brings with it the power of God."
We must all realize that unlike Korea we can have no lasting peace accord or cease fire with these people. They cannot be talked out of their quest. They can't be bought off. They can't be negotiated with. They can't be reasoned with. We have to defeat them. The Murthas , Pelosis and their ilk are "whistling while they pass the grave yard" if they really think withdrawal of our armed forces will end the terrorist threat. They are either stupid, or too full of self and hatred of our President that they like ostrich's stick their heads in the sand so they can't See the peril this great Country faces. It is past time to wake up and form a united front against a threat like no other threat we have faced! Here’s how the Ayatollah Khomeini put it:
“Those who know nothing of Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war. Those who say this are witless. Islam says: Kill all the unbelievers just as they would kill you all! Kill them, put them to the sword and scatter their armies.”
1 comment:
The mind jarring fact is that these jihadists with their claimed passion for God are receiving the full support of militant atheists around the globe,most of whom are communists and other rabble rousers.
These groups of anti-christian,anti-jewish zealots take murder as their right in promoting their cause.Only a psychopathic personality or a person of marginal mentality can justify such actions.
Our so called diplomats are not going to acomplish one damn thing in trying to broker deals with these vipers,but our memories are short and cloudy,and the same mistakes made by pompous people will be made again.The human being has proved his hatred for others through the centuries,and pious talks have never won.War has proven the only solution to man's hatred for one another.It all started thousands of years ago when Cain slew his brother Abel due to jealousy and it hasn't abated since.Wars will continue until the Omega of time as we frail mortals will sadly but truly discover.Civilizations come and go through time.Our civilization will no longer be remembered in the fog of time either.
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