Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
In the past six months we have had news reports of individuals "going berserk" and killing Americans in shopping malls and business establishments through out America. In many cases these acts of cold blooded murder have been committed by Muslims.
The "fourth estate" that controls rather than report the news, has failed to report that the perpetrators in most of these crimes were Muslims. They also failed to mention that those who were captured often uttered hate filled language that was clearly anti-American.
The following descriptions of hate crimes committed in the last year were all committed by Muslims who are intolerant ideologues who hate America, and I believe part of a growing menace in the U.S. They are from FaithFreedom.org, and D.C. Watson.
Unfortunately they are reported as isolated crimes committed by deranged individuals. This may be because of the strong pressure of the Hamas funded CAIR organization on our Media. Then again it could be an honest attempt not to create panic and ignite more anti-Muslim feelings in the Populace. I am sure of one thing. If we don't soon recognize that our homeland is a part of the world wide terrorist network. We will be committing the equivalent of "Cultural Suicide."
Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, armed with a .45, a 9 mm, and a six inch knife, opening fire while standing in line at the El Al Airlines ticket counter at the Los Angeles International Airport, killing a 20 year old female and a 46 year old diamond importer. He also stabbed a security officer in the back, shot a 61 year old female, and pistol whipped another bystander.
The conviction of Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, valedictorian at the Islamic Saudi Academy in Alexandria, Virginia, who joined al Qaida and conspired to assassinate President Bush. Iranian born and University of North Carolina graduate Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar running an SUV into a crowd of pedestrians at the UNC at Chapel Hill, injuring nine people. What happened? He said that he was "seeking retribution for the treatment of Muslims around the world", and that he wanted "to spread the will of Allah."
Ali Warrayat, a Muslim student at Arizona State, with Arabic music blaring through his car speakers and a Qur'an in his trunk, smashing his ride through the doors of an Arizona Home Depot store, driving through the store to the section that stocks the flammable liquids, and setting it on fire. The police reported that he had referred to his religion on several occasions when they interviewed him.
Omeed Aziz Popal, driving an SUV around San Francisco purposely running people over. 14 people were injured at several different locations in the city, and a 54 year old man was run down and killed in Fremont. Afterward, Popal calmly identified himself as a “terrorist.”
Naveed Afzal Haq, who went on a shooting rampage inside the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, shooting six unarmed women, and killing one. One of the six women Haq shot was also pregnant. Witnesses stated that Haq advised he was a "Muslim American, angry at Israel."
Ismail Yassin Mohamed stealing a car in Minneapolis, slamming it into other vehicles, and then stealing a van, continuing his vehicular onslaught. Why? According to Mohamed, “Allah made him do it.”
Sulejmen Talovic, an 18 year old Muslim from Bosnia, with a backpack full of ammunition, went human hunting, shooting 5 people to death and wounding four more at a mall in Salt Lake City, Utah just weeks ago. Ibrihim Ahmned, a Muslim cab driver in Nashville, Tennessee, after an argument over religion with two of his customers, waited until they paid their cab fare, and then as they walked away, proceeded to use his taxi as a weapon, running them down. One of the customers was hospitalized with serious injuries.
Recently in the Detroit area, a Muslim store owner and his two sons physically attacked a 48 year old African-American man in a parking lot after refusing him service inside their store. This was caught on tape. All three of them together were too weak to take their victim off his feet and to the ground, but they ganged up on him, threw punches at him, and jabbed him with a bat. The father, Massod Dauod, and his two sons, Wyah and Kusay, have been charged with ethnic intimidation and assault.
You be the judge. Are we experiencing the beginning of an internal terrorist Jihad?
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