Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Business Of Global Warming

At the Cato Institute, 3/9/07, Vaclan Klaus president of the Chech Republic warned that Environmentalism is a religion based upon political ambition more than on science.
He said that "unfortunately many scientists see themselves as "priests whose job it is preach moralistic sermons to the "people". These are the same people who took part in the anti-capitalist "crusades of the sixties. They have just become older and changed their approach from active advocates of Marxist socialism to environmentalism. They are developing a global system with the innocuous name of "Carbon Caps" to help redistribute the worlds wealth.
Without going into the technical details suffice it to say that their plan for a global system to succeed Kyoto Protocol will establish a Global Carbon "PIE". This pie will have a determinate amount of allowable CO2 emissions which will be disproportionately allocated. The "richer" Countries will be allocated only 20% of the "PIE" and "Poor" Nations will get the other 80%. These Countries could sell portions of their "PIE" to Rich Countries that exceed their CO2 emissions quota.
Carbon credits give the Countries that can't meet their quota, which will be a substantial reduction you can be sure, the opportunity to buy Carbon Credits from less polluting Countries. Which of course will be undeveloped third world countries.
In England there has already been established a Carbon Trading Market. It is in London, and is presently handling 60% percent of the world wide Carbon Credit trades. So you see the business of Trading "Carbon Credits" like commodities has begun.
In the U.S. a Carbon credit trading market has been form with 200 members in Chicago. There are also over 60 internet sites devoted to these types sales.
By the year 2010 it is estimated by Peter Goldmark of the Environmental Defense New York that market trading will reach the multi billion dollar mark in Carbon Credits.
EDNY has even hired investment banker Perella Weinberg , a private equity firm to advise them how to take their non-profit company public.
Another scam being perpetrated on the U.S. unsuspecting public is "Agricultural Sequestration" as a replacement for the present farm subsides provide by the Federal government. What this means is they are advocating credits for "no-tilling" of farmers soil. These they believe will reduce Green house gases. But it will also reduce crop production on the untillable land. This is sure to make Americans more dependent upon foreign grow farm produce, and it is sure to be more expensive, and just another method of wealth redistribution!
The liberal Congress in Washington has already introduced 25 Bills in support of "Carbon Sequestration".
Roget's thesaurus defines sequestration as "a punishment or a penalty". If Americans buy into this falsehood of Global Warming we will be giving up a big piece of our freedom and participation in a UN scheme to redistribute Our wealth. We will also be putting more wealth in the pockets of unscrupulous Wall Street brokers who are counting on our gullibility to make them Billions in the next 20 years.
Write your Congressional politicians and the White House telling them not to sign on to this scam.


Anonymous said...

This is just more proof that Congress should meet about every three months to have lunch and get a real job like the rest of Americans are supposed to have.These windbags have nothing better to do than expound on accumulated facts and figures, whether true or not, provided by more airheads called scientists,and the result is more wasted taxes on usually flawed scientific pie in the sky ideas.Someone once said true education always fosters humility,although mere accumulation of facts fosters pride.It appears to me that the deluge of facts presented by our politicians would mainly point to false pride without much true education.There is little to no humility in Congress.

Anonymous said...

I'm not clear, are you maintaining that there is no warming? There are some very convincing data demonstrating that we are indeed getting warmer. Whether it's a trend that would occur naturally is up for debate but lets face it, all of the carbon producers have to be affecting the atmosphere. Right???

Tom Towsley,
Wake Forest, NC