A ruling from the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals has concluded that municipal employers have the right to censor the words "natural family," "marriage" and "family values" because that is hate speech and could scare workers. The ruling came in a case being handled by the Pro-Family Law Center, which promised an appeal of the drastic result. "We are going to take this case right up the steps of the United States Supreme Court," said Richard D. Ackerman, who along with Scott Lively argued the case for the Pro-Family Law Center. "We are simply unwilling to accept that Christians can be completely silenced on the issues of the day – especially on issues such as same-sex marriage, parental rights, and free speech rights," he said. "If we fail to get US Supreme Court review, however, it will be up to each individual Christian in the United States to stand up for their rights to be heard on the issues of the day. If we choose to be silent, silenced we shall be," he said. The decision came in an unpublished "memorandum" from the court, and was in a dispute over the promotion of the homosexual lifestyle within the city offices of Oakland, The previous quote is from the "World Net Daily", and illustrates just how much damage Clinton did to the Judical system in the United States. Hillary will do more if given the opportunity!The ruling is also a beacon light to the way the radical left in this country is trying to wipe out any semblance of religion in our way of life. After all the only way the government can introduce laws that will allow euthanasia for "old" and no longer useful people, limit by law the number of children a family can have and dictate a way of life not unlike that found in Communist Countries. Is to eradicate religion and religious beliefs. The liberal court in the San Francisco Bay area makes no rulings against the diatribe coming from the "ilk" located in San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley that advocate "striking down" the president and vice-president. Killing over a million unborn babies with "legalized" murder is not considered a hate act, but using the words "family values" is ruled by this court as hate speech.Of course this ruling will be reversed , like more than 50% of the rulings of this abomination called a court. But the fact that "these black robbed assassins" continue to attack the Christian underpinnings of our way of life and government is very disturbing to this blogger.Thought police seems to be the way the left wants this country to go. Hitler, Stalin, Mao and many other Fascist and Communist leaders have used it. Now the home grown version of these "thugs" dressed in black robes is marching toward the same objective. We must stop this by making an effort to change the "life term" in office for Federal judges to that of serving at the pleasure of the voters. Heaven help us if Hillary or Obama get to be President!
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