What many people don't comprehend is the enemy right here in the U.S. that would not only see us withdraw and loose in Iraq, but also want the Capitalistic system and the personal rights each of us enjoys be ended.
The European "allies" have been deluding themselves for the past five years by saying they are involved in a "peacekeeping" mission, but America is waging an act of "hostile warfare",
This self deception is particularly evident in Germany where the thought of war brings bitter memories of Hitler. They just agreed to send some of their Tornado jet aircraft to Afghanistan, but only to be used for observation duty. What they will do when they are attacked any bodies guess is as good as mine, since the German government has not acknowledged they are at war with Radical Islam. Even though they have troops in Northern Iraq under NATO presently.
The rest of Europe has some what the same ambivalent attitude toward the war. Thus we, the Australians, and Canadians provide they largest contingent of fighting forces. Particularly in Iraq.
In the U.S we have two groups who appear to have the same goal, but as I will explain theirs are two vastly different goals.
The Democratic Congress wants to end the war for political purposes. They believe they have a mandate after the election last November to do so.
The other group is a more insidious and dangerous presence in our country.
It is called the "Anti-War Group". Sounds like a group of American patriots who just don't believe in war. But don't be deluded. This group has been around since the 1930s. The names of the organisations include: New York CLU, Young Communist Workers World Party, The Revolutionary Communist Party. These are all anti-American Communist splinter groups many of whom have direct ties to Cuba, North Korea and Communist China.
They loathe the Capitalistic system, and blame it for all the worlds evils.
Members of these groups have publicly said: "America is the worlds most terrorist state", "The War is for empire and oil", "The Bush administration is carrying out an undeclared war on Our civil liberties, and "Bush is just a Spoiled Fascist Cowboy". The last quote was uttered by Donna Lieberman the executive director of "NYCLU".
These people have duped idealistic college and high school kids, religious groups and many other well meaning protesters who are actively helping this ilk try to tear down our Democracy via street protest not unlike what happened in Russia in 1917!

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