One of president Obama's favorite phrases is, "you are put on notice" or variations on that type of order. Perhaps it is true what one political sage has said about Obama.
"What Obama's radicalism tells us is that he is not a man who is moved by rational discourse. He is not a man who is willing to be convinced that he is mistaken." --Center for Security Policy Senior Middle East Fellow Caroline Glick
It is not the duty or the prerogative of an elected official of the Federal government, even the president, to give orders to the people who elected him!
He has the constitutional right to give orders to the military commanders as their Commander in Chief, but there is nothing in the Constitution that gives him the right to order the populace to do anything except in a time of declared war. Then he can declare martial law that essentially dictates what his electorate can or cannot due.
This country fought a long and costly war to throw off the dictates and abuses of England's King George.Problems began when England passed the Writs of Assistance, which gave British officials the right to seize illegal goods, and to examine any building or ship without proof of cause. This was a powerful weapon against smuggling, but most importantly to the Colonists; it allowed the invasion of their privacy. This was crossing the line and violating the rights of an English man. During the Seven Years War, the British sent over ten thousand troops to America to deal with property problems at the "frontier". This cost a large amount of money, and Britain did not want to see the sum come out of its own pocket. To pay for some of the expense, Britain began to pass acts to tax the colonists and lighten the severe debt the empire was facing.
If this sounds familiar it is. What has happened since Obama took office is that he has run the national debt to an estimated 1.3 trillion dollars. The largest national debt in our history, and to add fuel to the conflagration that Obama and his henchman have created. He tells us Americans, 49% of us did not vote for him, that like it or not he will have National health Care. As he says "you are put on notice that we will have National Health Care"!
In 1765 the British passed a stamp act that required the colonies(America to be)to use specially stamped British paper to print all legal documents and even playing cards. This was because the previously passed Sugar Tax had failed to raise enough money to pay for the troops stationed in the colonies.
The Colonists were angered because they believed that the British Parliament did not care about or understand them and therefore did not have the American people's best interest at heart. The acts imposed by England to try to control and monitor America only succeeded in furthering its Independence. The Colonists were left with two options as a result of the Stamp Act, neither of which were very appealing; either confront parliament, and risk a fight with the much larger and more powerful mother land of England, or succumb to the act without complaining and possibly give up the right to self govern for good.
We Americans are facing legislation in the three hallmarks of Obama's march to socialism. Cap and Trade, Obama Health Care and his economic stimulus that has been estimated at between $700bn and $1 trillion.
If this is not a call to a peaceful revolution against a tyrannical government that appears to not care what type of legacy they leave for coming generations. Nor do they think of the burden that all this debt will cause to the taxpayers who trusted them enough to send them to Washington!
The royalty in Washington, who will never have to face the hardship that their "Spendulus" will bring to the American tax payers, who trusted them to look out for their(voters) interests, have put our interests behind the fear of offending their "messiah"!
Obama is no King, no Emperor and no Messiah except to those who want to see America brought to it's knees and the free enterprise system destroyed. And they will get their wish if voters do not revolt at the polls in November 2010 and throw the "betrayers" out!
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