There are as of this moment 306,904,829 people alive and living in the USA.Of these rapidly approaching 400 million people just under 13% are 65 years or older!
This is equal to the total Black population in the USA and just two percent less that the Latino population according to the latest census reports.
My question, being in the age group over 65, is why do we not hear more alarm bells from the organisation that claims to represent seniors.
Many of the 41 million Americans with Medicare feel betrayed by AARP.
The Washington leadership of the powerful senior citizens' organization has opted to join forces with the White House to steamroll legislation through Congress. It is legislation that may irrevocably damage Medicare.
Most of the 35 million people who belong to AARP are drawn to the group's insurance programs, prescription drug deals and hotel discounts. These and other businesses bring AARP hundreds of millions of dollars annually in revenue. Despite this membership, it isn't clear that many older Americans have retained AARP's Washington politicos to serve as their political voice. We have not. AARP is a big business; it shouldn't pretend to represent its members' political interests, few of whom have been asked their view of this dangerous Medicare overhaul.With a revenue of $1.08 billion in 2006, and expenditures of 1.14 billion AARP is a lot like the Federal government. They spend more money than they have!
Health care costs are escalating out of controi. Families are finding it.-harder .to obtain needed medical care. Spending on health care is taking a huge and growing bite out of federal and local government budgets, and the recession has made those budgets tighter. The spread of AIDS, the need for beper treatment of drug and alcohol diction, a chronic shortage of doctors in rural areas and an aging population are imposing further burdens on the nation's health system calls for. health care reform thus are growing. Faced with demands for more government spending on health care, but with limited or dec1ining to meet those demandsd, a number of governmerq commissions are busy studying the mounting health care problem.
Both in and out of government, critics complain there is too much waste in the system. They say it is too bureaucratic; that doctors make too much money; that they perform too many ,unnecessary tests and procedures.
A snapshot of America's health care crisis? No, it is a description of the heath care debate in Canada-the very same Canada to which some American look to for a solution to America's health care problems!
So just how bad is the Canadian Health Care system. This report from a Canadian doctor should give you some insight as to what Obama care will be like if we let it pass!
"Taxes are very high in Canada. I worked 2 months last year and 20% of my earnings were withheld specifically for Canada health and pension. This can be as high as 33-42%, not counting the infamous PST and GST charges for everything and every service you purchace.
2. There is a huge medical bureaucracy that laymen rarely see-it is highly discouraging to any new doctors to the country.
3. It is much more expensive. There are no $4 Walmart prescriptions, the cheapest generic med starts around $20. Most notably not paid for are long term meds after heart attacks and chemotherapy.4. Waiting lists decide who gets health care. There are about 10-12,000 people here in a city about the size of Greeley who do not even have a family doctor to get them onto a list as there are not enough family doctors. There are no cardiologists or neurosurgeons for over 400 miles. The local orthopedists and ophthalmologists are full and will not take any more referrals.
5. See above. The orthopedists closed their waiting lists as they are 2-3 years behind.
6. Canadians not only go to the US for medicine, they go to Germany and Mexico.
7. Doctors are paid less than $30 each to see a patient who is in for a visit. Average time spent by a Canadian doctor with a patient: 6 minutes.
8. See #4, also Toronto Sun newspaper last week, headlines where Nova Scotia ERs to close this summer for lack of doctors.
This letter to the editor of the Denver Post illustrates what type of problems come with beauracrat controlled medicine!
"If you really want to know about the nightmare of Canada's health-care system, you just have to study the Natasha Richardson case. She died because Quebec had no Flight-For-Life helicopter system, no nearby hospital that had a trauma center or neurology department, and after being taken to a hospital with neither of these, she then had to be driven to the nearest trauma center, which was 50 miles away. All the while, she was bleeding in her brain during a needless 2.5 hour delay. According to Tarek Razek, the director of trauma services for six hospitals in the Montreal area, "Our system isn't set up for traumas and doesn't match what's available ...in the States".
Natasha Richardson died because she decided to go skiing in a country with a Third World health-care system. Would you be willing to take that kind of risk?
As the Canadians as so fond of saying, SORRY, but this is the way medicine is in Canada.
So, I ask the question again. Where are the AARP people demanding that any change in our great health care system, even though expensive, does not include the same odious restrictions and problems that Canada has?
1 comment:
This excerpt of an article on the BBC site shows how socialized medicine reacts to an epedemic that is costing more than the govt. allows.
"Ministers said the emergency response would now move to a new "treatment" phase across the UK as there may soon be 100,000 new cases a day.
It means anti-flu drugs will no longer be given to the close contacts of those infected nor will lab testing be done to confirm cases.
The move has been made to relieve the pressure on the health service.
The announcement, which comes into effect immediately, has long been expected.
It does not mean the pandemic virus is becoming more deadly, just that it can no longer be containe".
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