Tuesday, July 14, 2009


A wise man once said that you can judge a man by what he does, not what he says. I will attempt to make an argument that everything that president Obama is doing is not for the good of the country that he governs, but to solidify his voting base and reassure his re-election in 2112.

Today he appointed a replacement for his first Czar. The car czar, Steve Rattner,the former New York investment banker, resigned yesterday under a cloud of scandal involving his regular job before he took the position of Car Czar.In April details of alleged influence-peddling surfaced, thus yesterday he announced his resignation yesterday." Source: NewsBusters
The new Car Czar,Ron Bloom, a Harvard Business-trained banker turned United Steelworkers official, will “assume leadership of the Task Force's activities as the government transitions its role away from day-to-day restructuring to monitoring this vital industry and protecting the substantial investment the American taxpayers have made in GM, Chrysler, and GMAC,” Secretary of The Treasury Tim Geithner said today.
This solidifies his base of voters within the Unions who contributed a combined total of 60 million dollars to Obama's election campaign!
And if you doubt any connection with Unions and Obama this quote from a speech Obama gave to an Iowa government union of 20,000 members, while on the campaign trail, should erase all doubts.
"DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Democrat Barack Obama is telling union activists he would walk a picket line as president if organized labor helps elect him in 2008.

The Illinois senator also criticized President Bush’s policies toward working people.

`We are facing a Washington that has thrown open its doors to the most anti-union, anti-worker forces we’ve seen in generations” Obama said in remarks prepared for delivery Saturday night. “What we need to make real today is the idea that in this country we value the labor of every American. “I stood on the picket line and marched with workers at the Congress Hotel in Chicago last week” Obama said. “I had marched with them four years earlier and I told them when I left that if they were still fighting four years from now, I’d be back on that picket line as president of the United States.”

Then there is the Cap and Trade bill, or as many call it, The tax and control Trade bill. This act will satisfy those who voted for Obama because as his wife, Michelle infamously said: "she was not proud of her country until....". They are not happy with the free enterprise system and would rather see this country socialised!
This bill will also satisfy and secure the votes of the Environmental activists who have made "mother earth" their new Deity.

Former candidate for Vice-President Sara Palin so aptly described why she feared the Cap and Trade bill, and The following is an excerpt from the op-ed she wrote this week .

"I am deeply concerned about President Obama’s cap-and-trade energy plan, and I believe it is an enormous threat to our economy. It would undermine our recovery over the short term and would inflict permanent damage.

American prosperity has always been driven by the steady supply of abundant, affordable energy. Particularly in Alaska, we understand the inherent link between energy and prosperity, energy and opportunity, and energy and security. Consequently, many of us in this huge, energy-rich state recognize that the president’s cap-and-trade energy tax would adversely affect every aspect of the U.S. economy.

There is no denying that as the world becomes more industrialized, we need to reform our energy policy and become less dependent on foreign energy sources. But the answer doesn’t lie in making energy scarcer and more expensive! Those who understand the issue know we can meet our energy needs and environmental challenges without destroying America’s economy.

Job losses are so certain under this new cap-and-tax plan that it includes a provision accommodating newly unemployed workers from the resulting dried-up energy sector, to the tune of $4.2 billion over eight years. So much for creating jobs". Source:Sister Toldjah

National Health Care satisfies all those who have wanted socialised medicine since Andrew Biemiller tried to introduce a bill to socialise medicine in the 1950's. Biemiller was a congressman from Wisconsin who served in the Wis.state legislature as the leader of the LaFollette Progressive Party before being elected to congress.
Thus, the progressive(aka socialists) will feel they finally have control of America's medical sector of the economy that is a 1.7 trillion dollar industry.

Just as the giving the auto workers union 55% of Chrysler, solidified the auto union votes. The Stimulus has been used to bail out Bankers and special interests companies like Goldman Sachs ,GE,
and brokers who have heavily invested in the CO2 credit exchange.
Thus ensuring the votes of the "filthy" rich on Wall Street and their minions across American landscape.

Tuesday he announced that he will seek stimulus funds for students who attend junior colleges, and those who cannot now attend because of lack of funds will also be eligible for this hand out.
According to George Fogel, Rasmussen College, Inc. Vice President of Compliance and Financial Services, the new stimulus plan will benefit college students directly in several ways.

"The stimulus plan includes a $17 billion of additional funding for [Pell, which increases the amount that an individual student may receive. Beginning July 2009, students will be eligible for up to $5,350 per academic year, which is up from $4,731. Additionally, in July 2010, Pell will go up again to a maximum of $5,550," Fogel said.

Fogel explained the Higher Education Tax Credit as a tax credit plan that gives students a $2,500 tax credit every year for paid tuition, which is 40 percent refundable. Thus solidifying the young peoples vote.

He has already assured himself of the government employees and the teachers union votes with his propensity to allow them special treatment, even to exclude them from his socialised health plan and remain in their more "rich" union plans.And let's not forget the Card check proposal to allow the "goons" force non-union employees to vote for a union. This certainly is not done for any reason other than a pay back to the Union movement!

The Amnesty bill will satisfy the Hispanic voters, and the confirmation of Sotomayor
to the supreme Court will motivate those Hispanics who are not for illegals getting the easy way to all the goodies of citizenship, to vote for Obama.

And finally there is in the table the heinous bill to force Catholic hospitals and Catholic doctors, who think that abortion is a mortal sin, to perform abortions. This will make the feminists dance for joy and be sure to pull the lever for Obama in 2112!

If he pulls all this off the Conservatives will have a very difficult time prying him out of the Oval Office in 2112!!

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